Salutations Camp Otterdale Friends and Family!
The countdown is ON! Believe it or not, spring is just around the corner! We may be surrounded by icicles, frozen lakes and bare trees, but nature is stirring all around us. The sap has finally begun to drip, drip, drip. The snowmelt has slowly begun. We’ve even switched footwear from those heavy winter boots to our puddle jumping, slush sloshing waterproof boots. Now, that’s a sign of spring!
In the meantime, we hope our Ontario campers are enjoying March Break. It’s such a timely respite before the last big push towards finishing school and joining us at camp. We are working hard preparing Camp O for a summer of new experiences, fun times, making new friends and reuniting with old friends. Before we know it, our Leadership Team will return to kickstart the Spring sessions of school groups, and to design and prepare our camp activities. Oh, and so much more!
Spring is a time when ideas are refreshed, plans are made, and action happens!