Our Alumni
Camp Otterdale’s Alumni is a collection of over 500 camp staff who have been campers and who have worked at the Camp Otterdale. All of our Alumni have three things in common: Their love of nature, their ongoing connection to Camp O and their strong interest in the well-being of all children. It is a lifelong connection and a lifelong love.
Our Alumni have chosen a variety of career fields and have spread out throughout the globe, experiencing a multitude of personal milestones and highlights. But if you asked any one of them how their years at Camp Otterdale impacted their career choices, so often we hear very similar responses. Learning how to work together, making friends, learning specific skills, falling in love with a camp program, shared values shape the paths they chose to pursue as adults.
Camp Otterdale’s Alumni group grows in enthusiasm and becomes more actively involved every year. A few summers back, we initiated an “Alumni in Residence”, program which has been a blast! Through communication with Captain and Muskie, a plan is put in place for a Camp O alumnae to “sponsor” a child in their lives, to roll up their sleeves and join our team for the session! We also welcome our alumni staff to visit, and to stay a few days to help out, if the timing works during the summer. It’s always wonderful to see our summer staff mingling with the alumni, sharing common stories and ideas.
2020 marked the 65th Anniversary of Camp Otterdale and the 25th Anniversary of Captain Jeff Brown being at the helm. We look forward to many more years of camp life in the future!!
Captain and Muskie