Greetings Camp Otterdale Families and Friends!
As much as it has been a bit of a shock to the system to have winter arrive so early, we have been in awe of the beauty of the snowfalls recently. The other night, there wasn’t a speck of a breeze. The snowflakes as large as a child’s joyful wide-eyed expression fell from the sky. It continued until it left a thick frosty layer on every branch and bough on every tree. Not a sound interrupted the scene. In no time, Camp Otterdale was transformed into a picture-perfect winter wonderland. We stopped in our tracks to appreciate nature’s artwork. It surely was a November moment to savour.
We didn’t stop for long, however! Like those “Elves” in a workshop far far away, we have been busy at Camp O, cutting firewood, clearing out project space in the Dojo, working on repairing a few old cedar strip canoes that camp friends have gifted to camp, building new decks for cabins, working on the initial stages of a new website, connecting with staff regarding plans for next summer………the list never seems to shorten! Good thing we have a “Fix-it” program here at camp or nothing would get done!